A branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of beauty, art, and taste and with the creation and appreciation of beauty. A pleasing appearance or effect.
Only when there is an acceptable ambient environment, can an individual feel good about being a part of a city or a neighbourhood. Having a beautiful, well ordered, clean and pleasing environment creates a sense of civility and enables individuals and communities to be more productive and positive. It creates a sense of security and pride and this in turn improves livability. Planning a beautiful ambient environment not only improves the “feeling” or “experience” of existing in a place but ensures cleanliness and order. Land values skyrocket in such highly desirable locations.
Most of the neighborhood is very beautiful
Bad aesthetics or visual pollution disturbs the visual areas of people by creating negative changes in natural environment. Billboards, common storage of trash, space debris, hanging cables, buildings and automobiles are forms of visual pollution. Such pollution is caused due to administrative negligence, excessive advertising and cluttered surroundings. Poorly planned buildings and transportation systems also create visual pollution. Effects of pollution include distraction, eye fatigue, changes in one’s behaviour, loss of identity to a place etc. which in turn affects the user readability and condition of the surroundings.