A street light, light pole, lamppost, street lamp, light standard, or lamp standard is a raised source of light on the edge of a road or walkway.
The light surrounding the environment or a subject. The term usually refers to sources of light that are already available naturally (e.g. the sun, moon, lightning) or artificial light already in use (e.g. street lighting).
Visual resources are an important component of the quality of life of any geographic area. As users experience a place, their primary sensory interaction with that place is visual in nature, and a wide variety of shapes/ space colors, and textures, composed by topography, structures, roadways, and vegetation, forms the views of the city. Street lights provide safety and security and enhance our quality of lify. Ambient light therefore becomes an important factor to be addressed in policy making to achieve visual comfort and thus good quality of life.
Below is a streetlight tracking map. The map represents the working status of streetlights in your neighbourhood. The map is generated through citizens responses.