A Green Building is referred to a building which is build using sustainable methodologies of construction and operates in the same manner. The main objective of achieving the target of making a building green is to reduce the negative impacts and create positive impacts on the natural environment.
This includes efficient use of renewable resources, waste management and recycling measures, efficient, sustainable construction and operation procedures of the building etc. To declare a building green, analysis of all these measures is necessary, which can be done through surveys and physical tests of the inventory and operations.
The Quantified Cities Movement Ecosystem enables this process of surveying and analysis, required to declare a building green. Through the Building Information Survey, data for various indicators of a Green Building can be easily generated and updated in near real time. The Green Buildings across the countries can be easily mapped on the near time dashboard provided in the ecosystem. The data collection is be done using the iNagrik application which provides flexible surveys for inventorying and surveying the operations