Masters Degree (M.A./M.Sc.) in Development Planning and Administration (Savitribai Phule Pune University)
The CDSA is a recognized teaching and research institute affiliated to the Savitribai Phule Pune University (CAP/109 u/s 46). It conducts the Masters Degree Course (M.A./M.Sc.) in Development Planning and Administration and its examination, through the School of Development Planning (SDP), on behalf of the Savitribai Phule Pune University (vide University Circular No. 163/94/4-5-1994 and No. 255/93-94/23.7.1995)
This is an unique University level Masters Degree course of its kind in the country. The objectives of the Masters Degree course will be to produce professionally trained graduates who can:
- Comprehend the development process in the rural and urban contexts, with a special reference to the lower income groups;
- Prepare problem structure showing inter linkages of problems;
- Design appropriate strategies and approaches to address the development issues and problems;
- Formulate development projects and programs including schemes and investment plans which respond to these approaches;
- Develop and use appropriate monitoring, evaluation and management tools for implementing these projects and programs.
- Understand the working of financial, administrative and legal institutions involved in development efforts, especially in the backdrop of changing global economic scenarios.
Knowledge from nine major disciplines is integrated into the curriculum: Agriculture, Economics, Geography, Management, Public Administration, Ecology, Research Techniques, Statistics and Sociology. The fundamentals of theories and techniques are introduced early and are supported by three seminars focusing on issues of poverty and inequality. A laboratory project in each semester focuses on preparation of development plans based on fieldwork. Each student undertakes a village project exercise using PRA techniques after the second semester. The final semester is devoted to writing a master’s dissertation under the direction of a faculty advisor and a dissertation committee.
The semester wise curriculum for M.A./M.Sc. in Development Planning is as given below.

Field Laboratory Project in Micro Level Planning: Rural (Semester I)
To gain an understanding of pluralism in planning while dealing with issues of poverty, income distribution, social attitudes, political forces and management. The basic area of concern is integrated rural development with an emphasis on decentralised governance and participatory management of common property resources.
Village Project (Independent)
A field based village level development project is carried out using Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA) techniques and Participatory Learning Methods (PALM). It integrates information, analysis, goal /objective setting, action planning and report writing. Placement with Non-Governmental Development Organisations is possible during this project.
Field Laboratory Project in Settlement Planning: Urban (Semester II)
This module focuses on management of urban infrastructure and related legislation. There is a special emphasis on issues related to low income settlements and their management through community participation and governmental intervention.
Design of institutional arrangements for the provision of urban infrastructural facilities, compatible with the recent initiatives in liberalisation is addressed to in this Laboratory.
Field Laboratory Project in Regional Planning (Semester III)
The focus is on multi-level planning with special emphasis on micro level planning and decentralised administrative mechanisms at the District level. Preparations of integrated area development plans for the district taking into account the national development objectives and long term requirements of the region.
Degree Dissertation OR Specialization by Papers(Pending University Approval) (Semester IV)
To be undertaken with the guidance of the School’s faculty. The student Dissertations are getting increasingly sponsored by various research and development agencies in India and abroad.
One Semester specialization is offered in Development Informatics, Application of Remote Sensing and GIS to Planning, Disaster Management, Human Development, Natural Resource Management, Housing, Traffic and Transportation Planning and Management.
- The first three semesters are supported by intensive lectures in various disciplines relevant for building theoretical perspectives of development planning and Seminar Courses on:
(a) Food, Nutrition, Health and Population; (b) Human Resource Development; and (c) Habitat and the Poor. - The programme also includes 24 weeks of mandatory field work in rural and urban areas through laboratory projects and during degree dissertation.
- Guest lectures and workshops, regarding critical development issues, are organised to supplement the scheduled lectures and seminars. The students are also encouraged to attend seminars/workshops organised by the National Organisation of Students of Planning (NOSPLAN) and other institutions.