Using QCM framework, QCM-DRR (Quantified Cities Movement for Disaster Risk Reduction), founded by CDSA and supported by UNICEF, Delhi aims to create a reporting system for young citizens, which is shared with the city authorities; We invite your esteemed institution to be a part of implementing QCM-DRR for young citizen informed resilience planning for safer settlements. This process empowers our young citizens to suggest innovative solutions that will directly be shared with the government and UNICEF.
These young citizens who are the future of our country, will be enabled with the tools of data collection, analysis and reporting. CDSA shall enable participants throughout the process. Apart from making safer neighbourhoods, our young citizens will benefit by practicing a rational attitude involving scientific temper and evidence building, which will enhance their academic excellence. The data collected by them will enhance their sensitivity, knowledge and skills about how to make their city resilient and how the inferences from the data collected can be used in the decision-making process.
QCM-DRR is funded by the UNICEF and thus is free for all participants. Participants will be expected to attend 4 one and a half hour long in class sessions and 2 outdoor sessions that are compulsory.
CDSA keeps organizing weekly meetups for monitoring the city where our young citizens can volunteer. By being a part of QCM-DRR all participants shall receive certificates and medals on completion of the enabling programme.
CDSA has convened a School Alliance for Resilient Cities to empower children to articulate their needs for improving their quality of life. The Alliance will bring schools together to help children become more skilled, knowledgeable and sensitized citizens while increasing their preparedness for natural disasters.

QCM-DRR will train adolescents and youth (school children) in collecting data on disaster risk indicators and enable them to collect, collate, analyse, interpret, report on disaster risk and resilience indicators, and formulate plans and monitor and manage DRR strategy in their neighbourhoods. These plans are presented to the local representatives and administration along with media so all urban stakeholders are on the same page and citizens can improve our city continuously.
Becoming a Guardian of your city
The path to becoming a guardian of your city is long and hard. Do you want to grow up to be a guardian who is interested in improving the quality of life of the city regardless of age, gender, occupation or religion? QCM-DRR provides you with all the tools and advice in order to improve and nurture your city. Learn More.

Maps made with the help of young citizens to improve the quality of life
Currently, there are three types of QCM dashboards. Click here to access your dashboard.
The Citizen Dashboard is designed to provide information and analytics to citizens, QCM volunteers and Newspapers.
The Representatives’ Dashboard is specially designed for the Elected Representatives where they can access analytics and evidence as well as opinions in order to evolve policy.
The Government or Administrative Dashboards have been made for various government departments to deal with grievances and emergencies.